R5 for February 15 — socks, technology, winter, deliveries, death


socksThe black hole – I lost 3 socks, one half of three different pair, in the dryer last week. It was the dark load so I double checked all the jeans and pants to make sure they weren’t stuck in the legs, pockets or crotch. No luck. I know that there is a place where unmatched socks go. I just don’t know where it is. Before bed I went back to check the washer and there they were along with another whole pair and some underwear. Either I didn’t finish transferring from washer to dryer or they were stuck to the top of the drum and I didn’t see them. Then again there could have been a ‘socks elf’ playing with me.

Techno crap – The battery backup for my computer died this week. I hate when that happens. I went on-line and compared reviews from geeks. Do you know how long and complicated a geek review is? I learned about modified sine waves and other things that I don’t want to know. At the end of the day I still didn’t know what to buy so I bought one that was on sale. For my old one you plugged it in and then plugged your computer into it. Essentially that’s what this one did but it made me read several pages of instructions and take a series of steps to do that. I hate technology!

Frozen deliveries – There are a few things I need that I order on-line. They are all liquids, like perfume and such. I’m afraid to order. We are in a polar freeze again with the highs in the teens. I am not convinced that my order won’t get frozen somewhere along the way. During the winter the delivery men put boxes in odd places. Most of the time it doesn’t matter (what’s a frozen shirt or two?) but for drugs or liquids, I don’t want them to freeze. I’ll have to wait for at least a week. I hate winter. (I’m starting to see a hate trend here.)

Source: Clipartbest.com

Source: Clipartbest.com

Bad weather coming – The weekend weather is not good – low temps, high winds and snow. I stopped at the grocery store yesterday to pick up cat food (I’m such a good cat Mom) along with all the people who make French toast (picking up eggs, milk and bread). In our house a storm with high winds means we may lose power so instead of worrying about food we power up all our devices so we can read during an outage. Times have changed.

Sad news – January to March is always “death time” in my family. If anyone dies, they do it when the weather is cold, snowy or rainy. There must be statistics to back me up. It happened in our family again this week. My oldest living aunt died at age 101. She was one of my favorite people growing up, a really genuine lovely lady. She will be buried on one of the coldest days of the winter but we will celebrate her life. Funerals have become the new reunion for my large extended family.

How was your week?

42 thoughts on “R5 for February 15 — socks, technology, winter, deliveries, death

  1. I’m sorry for the loss of your aunt, even though 101 is just a gift! Saying ‘goodbye’ is hard anyway! For a few years we had family deaths in December, which was coincidence, but seemed a little freaky! I think the cats are teasing you with those socks. They were laughing the entire time you were checking the washer and dryer! This was “oral surgery” week for me…but at least I was warm!


  2. So sorry about your aunt. What tales she must have had to tell living to that age.
    The arctic front just knocked on our back door. Temps dropping rapidly, but so much worse elsewhere. It’s that time of year where both sweaters and tank tops are in the closet.
    I wonder about deliveries of stuff, too – especially when meds say avoid extreme temperatures. Stay warm – smiles and hugs sent!


    • Yes, I’m wearing tank tops too but in a different way. It’s one of the 4 layers I have on top! My husband received vitamins that were out overnight in freezing weather. He called the company who said that it didn’t matter. I’m more skeptical.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Although it has been lovely here (we drove around town today with the top down), it’s not all good. I’m afraid that we will be in a world of hurt as this drought and unseasonably warm weather continues. All the people who have moved out west for the climate may be moving back for the water.


    • I hear about the water problem. We had a drought here for many years about a decade ago but our lakes and reservoirs are above average these days. I am very thankful for that. The water restrictions were severe with penalties so there was a lot of brown.


  4. Sorry to hear about your aunt. My grandmother turned 100 last October and every time the phone rings, I expect it to be “The Call.” What stories they could have told!

    Good luck in the upcoming week. I’d say it can’t be as hard as last week, but never say never…! You and your fur kid(s) stay warm…it’s a balmy 84 here right now so I’m sending warm thoughts your way!


  5. Hope you stay safe in all that bad weather!!! I would be like you, running around to make sure the animals have food. Instead we have having warmer than usual weather. Hubby tried to get heat stroke yesterday, hauling some mulch around in the sun, wearing black jeans.


  6. Funerals in cold weather seem even sadder to me. I always remember that opening scene from “Dr. Zhivago” that was so cold. May you have a good week despite the cold. At least you have cat food!


  7. I’m sorry to hear about your aunt, Kate. Wow, 101 years is a long life. I have a favorite aunt too, she’s 88 years old. I hope she’s around for another ten or more years.
    Ugh…the case of the missing sock. I hate that!
    Be safe in the storm. They’re calling for ice here in Charlotte tomorrow night. Boo Hiss! 😦


  8. Wow, 101. She was the true matriarch!

    For years I’ve also pinned my socks before tossing in the wash basket, probably because I was lazy. So what appears to be an organized and logical habit is simply based on utter laziness in finding lost socks. Hope you find them!


  9. Wow, 101 years old. That is a good long life. Sorry for your loss.
    I laughed at the sock adventures. I struggle with the sock monster. I think it is at least half cat who climbs in the open dryer and drawers during laundry time and knocks them into weird places. Sometimes I just rock the mismatched sock look.


  10. My condolences Kate. No matter the age it’s always tough to lose a love one. As for that Sock Elf boy he gets around. And when it comes to the cold you are having, you can’t afford to lose a single sock, say nothing of the fashion statement you’ll be forced to make with mixed pairs! Stay warm.


  11. So sorry for your loss. I know what you mean about this time of year. I just hold my breath til I’m blue I think.
    My favorite aunt passed away in the 90’s. I still miss her. When one of her grandchildren posted her picture on fb this week. I just had to stop and comment.
    Please don’t hate us. The weather is absolutely gorgeous here. Rick and I took pictures of the stray Indian paintbrush popping up to bloom along the road yesterday!


  12. Wow 101! That is just incredible. I’m sorry you had to loose such a wonderful member of your family.
    The winds are howling here too! It is FREEZING out there this morning. I took the dogs out to do their business and poor little Landon almost blew away. He needs to be weighted down or toilet trained by the end of the day.
    My week as good. I started taking a Yoga class and have been pleasantly surprised by the mental results. No murderous thoughts this week.
    Bundle up and stay warm!


  13. 101? Wow! That’s quite a run…she’s the Old Calcutta of aunts, and how amazing you’ve had her all this time. A gift to be sure. Despite her longevity, it’s still a loss, so I’m sorry.

    Just came in from running my face yet to thaw. The wind is the culprit…at one point when it kicked up it felt biblical. I sure hope neither of us lose power…it’s happened here and talk about humility with a flashlight.

    The sock mystique…where do they go? Is there a thief we’ve yet to meet who hovers by the spin cycle with a giant tote? I have so many single socks I mix them…wear them running. Like not wearing clean underwear, God forbid I have an accident.

    Stay warm and lit.


  14. Yes, the funeral thing. Three (they come in threes around here) in just the past week. All of them lovely, elderly people. I can get thru the funeral until they blow taps. It has been a roller coaster week.


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