Seriously Sirius!


Some of the beloved husband’s music equipment

My new car came with Sirius which I extended for very little money. It’s like heroin. It’s cheap at first and then you are hooked. When my current subscription expires, they will charge me a LOT of money to continue. Mucho dinero!

We are a music family. The beloved husband is a great musician and can do a guitar riff that would knock your socks off. I love music but my piano playing is rusty and my voice, well, I never could sing on key but that doesn’t stop me (and I’m loud too, really loud).

I love the targeted selection on Sirius. I can listen to songs that were played at any specific time in my life. My high school songs sung by Neil Sedaka, Ricky Nelson and a band called the Beatles. Then came the Eagles, Three Dog Night, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Credence Clearwater right on up to Elton John, Queen, etc. There are current songs I like too.

It is a historically significant photo of the James Gang circa 1970 (Jim Fox, Dale Peters, Joe Walsh)

This is a historically significant photo of the James Gang circa 1970 (Jim Fox, Dale Peters, Joe Walsh)

I heard Funk #49 by the James Gang the other day. OMG! I haven’t heard that in years I couldn’t sit still in the car. (There is nothing more attractive than a 60 something chick bouncing in her seat!)

Sirius may have hooked me completely.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find an uncopyrighted version with the original James Gang but here it is with Joe Walsh (star member of the James Gang). You all remember Joe Walsh don’t you? Guitar player extraordinaire!  Eyowsa!

Crank this puppy up and dance! Groovy!

So what’s your favorite song?

Disclaimer: This is not an advertisement for Sirius, nor was I paid to post it. It’s just the ramblings of a music crazed baby boomer.

30 thoughts on “Seriously Sirius!

  1. I love Sirius radio and yes, it can be a little pricey after awhile. We have it in one car, but unfortunately for me it’s not the car I’m currently driving. Favorite song? I could never come up with one. I listen to music from every genre and every decade and I just think it’s great we have access to unlimited music options! Enjoy your Sirius…I love the Broadway channel when I’m struck in traffic. 🙂


  2. I just bought a new car two days ago. I haven’t really explored it yet. I wonder if it has Sirius or something similar. Hmm. I’ll look tomorrow.


  3. I’m a sucker for a picture of a guitar. Nice axes!

    My new cars has 3 months of free satellite radio but I haven’t even turned it on yet. I am irrationally hostile to technology. It’ll save me money in the long run.

    I could never pick a favorite song. I listen to everything from Bach to Scarface.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve had Sirius for several years. My husband and I have perpetual music wars — I always want it on, he always wants it off. In my car, I win. I love it. Except the time I was driving long distance and my beloved folk channel (since discontinued, sadly) played 2 hours of whaling songs, followed by 2 hours devoted to other marine mammals, followed by 2 hours of sea chanties. I was going to the ocean, but still ….


  5. I had a free 1-year subscription to Sirius with my new car. When it was up I decided not to renew (since I’ve retired I don’t drive nearly as much). They keep calling and emailing with ever-decreasing subscription amounts. When yours is up, hold out a bit… you could soon be getting your music fix for very little money again.


  6. I’m the same age you are. For many, many years I’ve had difficulty with music like this because I can’t understand the lyrics. What are they saying? Is it appropriate or inappropriate? I can appreciate the guitars, but the lyrics leave me cold. This is perhaps why I prefer classical music with no lyrics.


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