Another one bites the dust!

The past couple of weeks were hectic but it’s over. The house project is completed. Both sets of house guests are gone and the family reunion is done. The cats are still recovering from the trauma. It takes a lot of Friskies and catnip to soothe my cats. For me, I much prefer Starbucks and chocolate with a dose of ice cream thrown in. Make that an occasional margarita too.

Living room project

Over the past two months or so, the beloved husband and I have been working hard to get the house project finished before the house guests arrived. That involved working from sunup to sundown. There was dirt and dust and chaos and I spent far too much time standing on that top step of a stepladder. You know the step – it has a label that says, “Do not stand on this step under thread of death!” Yes, that would be the step I was on.

The guests wouldn’t care if it was done but there wouldn’t be anywhere to sit inside the house. How would we watch the Olympics??

Karen, one of our party girls

The reunion was fun. It’s always good to see my family. There is a new baby this year. There hasn’t been a baby in the family in fifteen years so that was exciting. There was a lot of catching up — new loves, breakups new pets and old pets gone. There always is too much food but that’s good too. It is the ethnic food of my youth along with some picnic food and too many desserts.

We missed my niece’s daughter Jenn, who is on a work assignment in France for a month (poor baby!). I really did miss her because she makes wonderful desserts. We should have had the reunion in France!

This summer has been crazy and short with unseasonably hot weather. There was the house project which went on forever. Then there were the house guests, followed by the family reunion (at my house). Now it’s festival time in our area. There is a two-week Musikfest, followed by the fair. By the time that’s over, the kids will be back in school and it will be winter. I will be whining…where did the summer go?

Next year – no projects! Just biking and reading and fun things!

Now, crank up your sound. You have to watch Freddie Mercury vamp around on the stage. Makes me want to dance!

20 thoughts on “Another one bites the dust!

    • I have always said that I would love to live somewhere with moderate weather all year long. If I miss winter, I’ll take a winter vacation and then go back to my moderate temperatures. Unfortunately, unless I am willing to live on a distant island, I don’t know where that would be in the US. Maybe San Diego?


    • I never get tired of hearing someone say they love my blog! It’s very inspiring. I love your blog too. I can relate to everything you write about and you make country living sound like fun and interesting.


  1. The living room looks terrific! I’m ready for fall myself. It’s my favorites time of the year, and with the heat this summer, it can’t get here fast enough. Plus, I can’t wait to pull out the Halloween decorations and begin making my zombies and witch for the yard! I hope to improve on last years Halloween yard!


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