Coffee! I Need Coffee! Get out of my way!


Coffee Shop

It's in the distance. I can see it! (Courtesy of dogwelder on Flickr)

It is just before 8 a.m. and in the distance I can see the coffee shop. The drive-through line isn’t crowded – one car at the pick-up window, no one at the order thingy. I pick up speed.  There is another entrance and I see a car that looks suspiciously like the driver needs a caffeine jolt. I step on the gas and swing around the entrance.  It is now a race to see which of us will make it there first….jeeezzzz! I am just too nice.

Drivers jockeying for position in line, (Courtesy of Dabbler on Flickr)

I could have aggressively cut her off but I’m just too nice. Wait, what is she doing? Why doesn’t she pull up to the order thingy and order? Oh, her cell phone must have rung. Hello, hello! What is she thinking? There are now two cars in back of me while she ambles (really?) to the order thingy. It is very important to get your order in or a walk-in will get ahead of you. Good, she is ordering. Why is it taking so long? Even a fancy-smancy drink order doesn’t take this long. She is asking questions! No questions in the express drive-through at 8 a.m.! Good, the order is complete. What is she doing now? Why isn’t she pulling up so I can order at the thingy? Oh, yes, lipstick! We can’t pick up coffee without lipstick. Hey, yo! I’m going to be late for work! Oh, wait, I don’t work anymore. Well, I’ll be late for something.

Drive-through lines have rules. Just in case you don’t know them, here they are:

  • No questions, well, maybe just one. That’s what the inside counter is for. 
  • No catering the entire office crowd. The folks at my Starbucks are way too nice to say anything. For about two days, there was a sign posted that said the maximum number of drinks for the drive-through was four. Personally, I thought that was at least two too many. There should only be one drink more than there are people in the car, just in case you have to bribe someone. The drive-through is the express line of food service. As I said, the sign was up for two whole days and bang it was gone.
  • No credit cards requiring signatures! Starbucks cards are ok — quick, easy, no signatures. Money is ok too but for heaven’s sake, don’t drop it on the ground and feel the need to get out of the car to pick up a nickel.
  • Be courteous. Once you order, pull completely up to the next car so I…um….the next person can get their order in.

The line is moving and it looks like I will get my mocha latte this decade.  Beloved husband always calls me “Happy Kate” after I get that chocolate foam on my tongue!

Good morning y’all!

8 thoughts on “Coffee! I Need Coffee! Get out of my way!

  1. Pingback: Blogging – A year in review | For Bloggers | Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

  2. Pingback: My love/hate relationship with WordPress | For Bloggers | Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

    • Yes!!! I never order anything “new” at the drive-thru. If I want to ask questions, I go inside! Rude “drive-thru-ers” irk me to no end!!!

      (People who cut through the parking lanes just to cut you off irk me too!!!)


  3. Oh you have described this scenario perfectly. This all happens several times a week especially if you go five or six times a week. The dogs driving the car is so cute – I will keep an eye for those guys…..


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