Random 5 for June 16, 2024 – Routines, house projects, dumpsters, Starbucks, pineapple

This is the old bath!

Lessons that need to be relearned – We are in the middle of a major bathroom renovation. The old one was gutted. It needed to be done. We were continually getting mold in the shower and fixing the shower would have been a major job that would have affected the flooring. Since we had to do the floor, we should get rid of the useless linen closet and make the vanity longer. If we do that…. you get the picture. What I forgot is that I’m getting old for the commotion. We are two days into this project and I’m missing my privacy and old routine. We sleep in the upstairs bedroom. It’s very nice but warm, very warm.

And the cats – Not only is our routine upset but the cats too. Cats are not flexible. They like a set routine (at least mine do) and deviating from it can cause consequences (for me). We have a few extra barfs but Morgan has moved onto the bed so not only are we sleeping on a smaller bed, but we are sharing it with a 12-pound cat that likes to stretch out.

This is currently residing in my driveway!

The dumpster – This is the first project where the contractor has a dumpster in the driveway. I wasn’t excited about it. It’s a small job. The dumpster is large enough to gut a whole house. It has potties attached. Yikes! The silver lining is that it’s red. It matches the front door and the mailbox. We like to stay stylish with our yard decorations. I always wanted a gargoyle in our front yard.

Starbuck’s buddies – This week I met up with two of the Starbucks regulars that come in the same time I do. I was surprised (or maybe not) that they live farther from this Starbucks than I do. There is one that is closer to their home, but both prefer the one I go to. They said it feels like home to them. I get that. When you walk in, they recognize you. Even the new employees learn your name fast. They start your drink right away and send you on your way. Loyalty may be dying out but at least for my generation it still reigns.

It’s a thing! – I love pineapple. All things pineapple. This is the year for it. All our local gas stations, delis, and drive-up snack bars feature pineapple. Smoothies, refreshers, lemonade, milkshakes. Oh my! It’s a pineapple lover’s summer for sure.

So how was your week?

59 thoughts on “Random 5 for June 16, 2024 – Routines, house projects, dumpsters, Starbucks, pineapple

  1. Red. Always the pace setter for decorations in your neighborhood. At least as you say it isn’t beat up, is a seasonal color – and keeps workers out of your personal bathroom.
    With the cats on noise and invading personal space is upsetting. May the remodeling gods be with you
    (Completely identify with the mold requiring attention then more and more additional changes ended up being required because of the first crack in the wall…I think we will move before starting such an extensive redo…done that – and vowed never again….wait, I shouldn’t put that in print. HAHAH
    Hope the heat fades and the large cat blanket roll away from your side of the bed in the night!

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  2. I knew I could count on you to put dumpsters in the title!!!! Haha, ew, in the driveway. I understand there is probably not another place for it, but potties on my driveway is a little creepy. My cats hate break in routine, but MEESKER IS THE WORST. As soon as anybody changes anything or a repair person goes near “his room” (where he hangs out) he pees on the bed or throws up brown stuff on the white carpet or poos outside the box! He’s not being mean. He just gets so upset his system explodes on him :).

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    • Sasha was so terrified that she was afraid to go to the litter box and pooped in the upstairs closet. She’s been here 5 years and never did that. The demolition noise, especially with the floor tile was loud and scary even for us bi-peds. This is the last big project. I’d like to change out bedspreads and do fun stuff like that. No contractors for more than a week!

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        • She was scared. I adopted her because she hid from any potential adopters. Once she was here, she was fine with us but still fearful of strangers or even family that stays a few days. She was a kitten rescued during a TNR trapping. Not sure if anything happened early on to instill this fear. With us, she knows no boundaries. She’s a lap cat and will annoy us whenever she choses.

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  3. At least the Starbucks visit gets your morning percolating on a good note, even if it is all downhill from that point on. You, the beloved husband and the cats have my sympathy on this project. P.S. An extra round of catnip and treats for the felines forced to change THEIR ways is in order.

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    • We are all being extra kind to ourselves. Today should be the last day of the obscene noise. The tile flooring and underlayment had an unconventional installation which made removing it more difficult. It sounded like a jack hammer in the house.

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      • Good – easy on the ears is better. My parents and their many renovations over the years from mess to mayhem is why I’m not inclined to do any upgrades inside now. Outside yes … the landscaper never contacted me. His loss. When I heard we’d have a scorching hot Summer, I decided I’ll shop around in 2025.

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  4. When you think of it, everyone likes a routine and everyone likes to go to sleep in their own bed. We like a break or a vacation now and then before going back to our own familiar routine.

    I make my own coffee, but every time I read about your Starbucks trips, I think I’ve gotta do that. It would be a nice thing to add to my routine.

    Pineapple isn’t my favorite fruit, but you have to admit, it’s a unique, special taste, and I do like it when it’s in season.

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  5. Routine is something we do get use to and don’t appreciate it being uprooted. That is quite the dumpster. I have never seen one like that, and at least it all in one self contained unit plus matches the door color. 🙂 You and your new friends should make a commercial for Starbucks because you’re the only ones I know who go every single day. 🙂

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  6. Maybe you and the cats should go to the shore until this is over. Hubby can come too. I know nobody likes change but it’s gotta be better than construction workers in your bathroom. Poor, poor Sasha!

    I used to have a big ol’ orange Tom named George. He insisted on sleeping in the crook of me knee and bit me if I dared to move during the night. I learned to gently remove my legs from around him and reinserting them back around him, very, very carefully. I still tend to do that today and I have zero cats to disturb.

    I hope you and the cats love and appreciate the remodel once it is done.

    I love your starbucks story. I would just as soon do it myself, especially during iced coffee season, but it would be so cool to have people who cared to know your name.

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    • I’d love to go to the shore for the duration! However…. For my Starbucks is a sacred routine. Something that started when I was working and it makes me feel connected somehow. Maybe one day it won’t matter.

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  7. I have a Big boy too. Barney is a large male tabby and when he wants on my lap he will persistently shove anything off that is in the way, (Books, laptop, other cats, ect.). I think the red of the dumpster looks quite nice with the blue of your home. Happy Father’s day to the man of the house! The human one.

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  8. So funny…I just received a pineapple as a gift that came with a big red bow. I must be the girl who has everything.

    Morgan sounds like a puma. 12 pounds did ya say? The food at your place must be pretty good.

    I totally get driving out of one’s way for comfort. Hard to find it these days, so once you do, better hold tight. 🙂

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  9. I’ve never seen a dumpster with a potty attached. When we’ve had renovations, those two items were separate delivered to our driveway from different companies. I understand how weirdly stressful it is to have your daily routine upended by people traipsing around in your house, even if they’re nice people. Hang in there, it’ll be worth it.

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  10. Six weeks is a lifetime but the result will be a more functional place to do the daily bathroom routine! It will be wonderful. The Red Box in the driveway looks like you could live in the thing if you had to. Built in bathrooms? WOW. Now that’s a DUMPster if I ever saw one. (haha) Let’s hope they get things wrapped up earlier than projected – I’m sure you would like EVERYONE (including the cats) to just settle down and enjoy your home without any major projects. Just breathe……this too shall pass!

    Hugs, Pam

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  11. What’s the timetable on the bathroom renovation? I can really relate to how disruptive it is having folks around your home all the time. You just can’t really relax with noise and people and such happening all day long. Thank goodness they go home before dinnertime.

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    • Timeline is still 6 weeks. I’m hoping that’s the worst case scenario but based on previous experience, it’s probably best case. The two carpenters that are working this will bring in electrical and plumbing contractors and sometimes you have to wait to get them in. After two days of incredible noise we are having a delightful weekend of quiet. Even the weather is cooperating!

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