Random 3 for June 6 – House projects, timing, friends

Orange tape is to discourage people from walking on it. The porch flowers are patiently waiting in the foreground for their new home.

It’s a short version today. Lots to do and lots happening here. Hopefully more news next week.

Breath in, breath out – Our week has been consumed in prepping for our bathroom renovation that starts Thursday. We had decisions to make. All is done except for the lighting by the vanity. Pendants or sconces. I will make that decision today. Maybe.

Another project done – We tiled our front porch. This project has been hanging in the back of my head since we moved here. The concrete was worn with stones visible. I reached out to get bids in the spring but didn’t expect it to coincide with the bath project. It’s such a small job the contractor fit it in quickly and all is done. It was grouted yesterday. I’ve included a picture but there is orange tape across the front and a haze on the tile. The contractor will finish Monday. You can see the new house paint too. It used to be gray and now it’s blue. It will be decorated with a huge dumpster which is coming on Wednesday. It’s never ending. Maybe the dumpster will be red to coordinate with the front door!

Friends – It was a “friend” week. The beloved husband had breakfast with his old work buddies, and we hosted our monthly non-game night group. (It used to be a group that got together to play various games but morphed into a chat time to catch up). It’s always good to see them. It’s a much-needed touch of sanity.

So how was your week?

49 thoughts on “Random 3 for June 6 – House projects, timing, friends

  1. And tomorrow is Thursday! I hope the time flies and the project is beautifully completed in record time. I love the porch. It gives the house a nice finished look that most concrete porches just don’t have.

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  2. How fortuitous the contractor was able to fit the front porch tile project in. I say sometimes it’s better to rip the bandaid off in one quick motion. It seems good you were able to get it done at the same time bathroom is being renovated. Less drawn out aggravation. Good luck picking out your lighting.

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    • It was really consecutive. The painter finished and the tiler came within a few days. The tiler finished today and the bath guy will come on Thursday. No down time. In the end it will all be ok but I hate those bandaids!

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        • We put the pots back yesterday but a dumpster is coming to our driveway tomorrow so I had to move the pot that was between the garage doors. I also have to plant one bed in the front but hopefully everything will be “back to normal” or as normal as it gets when you have an ugly dumpster sitting there. Onward and upward!

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              • Ha ha – hope the new accommodations please any cats who stretch out or demand breakfast be served. My “cat friend” Carol that I’ve mentioned in the past had a dilemma when her husband came home to visit. He is now retired, but worked out of state in NC and their house was in NY. David was an engineer and he only had vacation time when the plant shut down for two weeks in the Summer and at Thanksgiving and Christmas break. At that time Carol had three cats and said they were indignant that David was there and would go up to the bed at night before they did to stake out a spot. Same for the easy chair in the living room that was David’s chair but taken over by the cats in his absence. Poor guy probably felt slighted when he came home.

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  3. Your house is looking super-inviting. Best of luck on the bathroom. I love choosing lighting. We used to do it in a big lighting store. (It’s still there.) It’s fun to walk under all that light shining through crystal and colored glass and choose the most beautiful and suitable fixture.

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  4. I like the idea of a tiled porch. We have a concrete one and while it gets beautifully cleaned when we have the house power washed I’ve often thought it would be really classy to get it tiled. We may eventually do that. Nice to have a bunch of “besties” to get together with and talk or play games or have a meal with, etc. ! Got my fingers crossed on the bathroom reno experience. Hope it’s painless.

    Hugs, Pam

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    • There are a lot of options for a front porch. There are special durable paints but I didn’t like the color. Since we have pavers coming up to it, I also looked into that. The problem is the thickness would make it higher and require an extra step. This seemed easiest. It’s outdoor porcelain tile. It frost resistant. The grout joint is very narrow. If too much water seeps in and freezes a tile could pop. I never had that problem at my last house and we had it about 10 years before we moved.


  5. One offering here: Remember that sconces push light upwards and pendants push light downwards. I don’t know if I’d like pendants, especially if the reflect in the mirror, but in a darker room, I’d likely lean towards them.

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    • The sconces we are looking at have two bulbs. One going up and one going down so will give good light. The room also has recessed ceiling lights so it’s not a dark room. My bathroom vanity will be longer than it is now (no room for any side lights now) but it’s not large and has medicine cabinets over the sinks so I worry about pendants getting in the way. I like the look but wonder how practical they would be.


    • The contractor that did the front porch is a general guy that does mostly kitchens and baths. He is finishing a garage addition on a house so I was happy that he took our little job. It helped that he’s located within 10 minutes of our house. He communicated and it went exactly as he said which is also a surprise. I would definitely consider him going forward (if we ever do a project again!).

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