Sassy cats – Vet day

Gracie here. This week the lady peep took me to the V-E-T. (They think I don’t know it when they spell it but the magic portal to hell came out and was sitting on the living room floor. It was just a question of who.)

I was not a happy camper but I did serenade her with my best version of Carmen. Really good and loud. Very loud. Thumping headache loud. We did Carmen over and back and a nice aria inside the vet’s office. There are office cats and I wanted them to know I had arrived. The diva is here! For eight pounds I can deliver!

The vet does weird things but this trip wasn’t too bad. No stick up my butt (seriously, don’t you do flowers and dinner before you get so personal?) and she didn’t check my ears (which are perfect).

There was some discussion on my picky eating and frequent barfing. It was so sterile. There was no talk about how well I could place it and over how many surfaces at once. My barfs are Olympic worthy. I like the waterfall version. You start on top of something. Chairs with a cloth seat are best. It rolls down the leg and onto the floor. Score!

The vet tried to pry my mouth open. I’m well known for not letting people looking inside my mouth. It’s even marked on my file. She did a side peek and said gingivitis. What in the blazes is that? My chompers are just fine!

At the end they did a blood draw. A tech named Dracula did that. Seriously, again an invasive procedure with no sushie or nip to court me first. A head scritch doesn’t cut it.

We’re waiting for results but there may be a dental procedure in my future. I’m going to practice a few more songs for that trip. Suggestions welcome.

The peep said to include a pic of the lovers to make you smile!

66 thoughts on “Sassy cats – Vet day

  1. I’m so sorry Gracie! I hope the blood work will reveal something very simple that won’t require more vet visits! And you probably should no that your lady peep doesn’t like taking you to the vet either. Good luck to you both!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Gracie – you are a comedienne and this post made me laugh out loud, especially the description of your artistic way of barfing, as opposed to just any old way, along with the expected/preferred prelude to a rectal thermometer. Go ahead and sing your protests as much as you want ‘cuz at least us humans used to get a lollypop after such an ordeal when we were young like you and went to the doc and that definitely trumps a mere head scritch.

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  3. Gracie – hope you don’t need a dental procedure, but it sounds like you are getting a command performance ready just in case. It was so nice of you to serenade the lady peep and the V-E-T!
    Kate, hope you are over the car ride and singing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Gracie – I’m glad that you survived the vet trip. I don’t blame you for wanting to practice a few more songs for your dental procedures trip. Did you know that you could search for “most annoying songs” on Google or Youtube? It’s true! And to save you some time, here is one that the Peeps are sure to love. If you give it a try, let me know what they think! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well, Gracie, the ordeal is over and you are home. Oh, and there is nothing wrong with letting everyone know what you are thinking and how you are feeling. Just don’t growl or hiss. That is just bad manners.

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  6. Oh Gracie, you cracked me up describing your Olympic performance. I can picture the waterfall a little bit too much. Sorry about the dental hiccup. Perhaps you might take a look at Puccini’s “O Mio Babbino Caro.” That can be a real barn burner when done right. 😼

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A serenade, a lament, a “there had better be treats” unheeded? oh, my.
    At least they didn’t get too personal this time. (After Molly’s last trip to the vet and she learned that the “ginger-ish” word wasn’t about spices, she has decided to never open her mouth at the vet again…perfectly able to snarl and grumble through her nose.
    Paws up in solidarity!

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  8. Uhoh on the dental stuff Gracie BUT you’d rather have a cleaning than a removal so just keep on singing! Teddy doesn’t scream on the way to vet but he’s not quiet either. Sounds more like a “save me they’re trying to kill me” yell. Fortunately the vet is only ten minutes away. He’s a perfect angel AT the vet – it’s to and fro that aren’t very entertaining for the humans.

    Hugs, Pam

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