Sassy cats — An update

Hi, it’s me! Gracie! Just a quick update. Strange looking (and smelling) humans have been coming and going. I greet them quickly, sniff their shoes and nap on my cat tree. Sasha thinks they are the apocalypse coming to kill us. She’s under the bed. Gus watches from a distance. He will take a head scritch or two without scrambling and Morgan sleeps through the whole thing. Our peeps have promised this won’t go on for much longer. I sure hope so because all the toys are locked up and our dishes are in a closet. Who ever heard of putting food dishes in a closet? It’s insane!

My leg hurts! Fetch me a sardine!

There was a kerfuffle last night. I wasn’t involved but there was a loud crash bang! The peeps couldn’t find anything broken or thrown over but Morgan is limping. Our lady peep said, “Of course there’s an injury, it’s the weekend!” Nothing seems to be broken but maybe a sprain. Morgan is lapping up the extra attention and treats. The peeps are all gushy over her. I think she’s faking it.

“Where is my food?”

Maybe more news from the trenches next week!

Over and out — Gracie

Note from the peep — Our home is on the market for sale and the cats have been very good about not annoying (or peeing on) prospective buyers. Gus has worked his magic with the realtor who thinks he’s adorable.

56 thoughts on “Sassy cats — An update

    • Yes I hate that too. Or barfing somewhere but you don’t know where. I have her in our cat room which doesn’t have high places to jump. I tried to increase her area to include another bedroom but the first thing she did was try to scale the cat tree. She can’t walk steady let along climb. She’s back in the cat room until I have time to spend with her.

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  1. Oh, Gracie, you are hilarious. Gus is still looking cool and I hope Morgan is okay, but she’s pretty slick if she’s faking it!!! I ought to try that sometime. Extra treats never hurt anyone. If you charm someone into buying the house quickly, you can move into the new place!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I do hope that Morgan is doing okay. What a time for trips to the vet! And you wouldn’t want anyone to purchase your house who doesn’t appreciate the cats, I don’t think! I’m glad they’re on the job giving prospective buyers the eye! They’re good spies.

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    • So true! One showing left the attic door open and another left the workshop door open both of which we don’t allow the cats access. Fortunately they didn’t discover it. Every time I came home I did a nose count. Then there was barfing Wednesday. I swear Gracie barfed 3 times (between showings) just to keep me on my toes.

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  3. Hopefully Morgan is thinking this “If I limp I’ll get extra scritches and treats” thing isn’t a bad gig! Seriously though hope she’s OK. TWO OFFERS – YESSSSSSSSSSSS!! Let’s hope the end of this road is in sight. Wouldn’t THAT be nice! 🙂 🙂

    Hugs, Pam

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  4. OhMyGosh! Your toys are all locked up… terrible. Pictures in the post show Happy Sassy Cats despite strange looking and smelling humans in your territory. Of course the realtor thinks Gus is adorable cause he is! Hope he’s visiting Sasha under the bed and purring sweet nothings in her ear. Fingers crossed for the two offers!

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    • Gus is mostly not a scaredy cat although he doesn’t like to get picked up. Almost anyone can walk up to him as long as it doesn’t look like they are going to grab him! Sasha gets lots of loving after the fact. She even rolled on Morgan looking for affection yesterday. That didn’t go well. Fingers crossed.


  5. Strangers coming in and wandering around can be miserable for cats. Teddy hides whenever there is a knock on the door and doesn’t come out until he’s sure we are alone again. Jack will look to see who is at the door but then disappears. Dolly made sure everyone saw her and admired her. She loved men with tools!

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