Sassy cats — Another round of photos

Hi, Gracie here. It’s been a quiet week. The peeps were doing stuff. We don’t say much as long as it doesn’t interfere with dinner although the “I’m tired” whining gets old.

Mollie didn’t do much but nap. That’s what she mostly does but we caught her sneaking down to the cat tree. Most unusual. The peep didn’t  get a picture but here is one from earlier this year.

The peep hasn’t take many pictures of Morgan lately. A guilt trip ensued. We cats love guilt trips. It means extra treats, catnip and maybe a trip to the store for cat grass (not us but one of our staff goes). Morgan continues to remain an elusive model (she knows how the kibble crumbles).  We found a new photo to post from the summer.

Morgan is a pig when it comes to grass. No class. That gray ear you see in the back is me. I know it looks black but it’s not. It’s hard for me to get in there with Morgan’s big fat head inside the pot. She owes me.

The post is not complete without the little troublemaker. Here is Sasha annoying Morgan on the computer desk. Morgan is usually patient unless Sasha puts her cold wet nose in her ear. Then all hell breaks loose. Paws fly. So do cat curse words!

Caio from the sassy cats!

35 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Another round of photos

  1. Hahaha… I’d love to hear some cat curse words!!! Wow, Gracie is da Boss of this post. The Little TroubleMaker, she is a brave girl. Kate, you captured a great expression there on Morgan. Looks like Sasha might be on Morgan’s last nerve. I keep thinking you are going to catch Morgan executing the big Paw of Nope! The Paw of Nope… don’t know if I heard that here or on Tinykittens. Paws up for a Sassy Cat Friday by Gracie… thanks Gracie. And Staff, of course!

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