Sassy cats — Going for the gold

My cats can be very synchronized. Or not. To celebrate the Olympics, here are their “gold worthy” photos.

Hazel and Morgan looking up! Judges say a perfect 10 for form! Notice perfect nose positions! Russian judge was impressed!

Right on cue, eyes down! Judges say another perfect 10! Notice even the elbows are synchronized! Woo hoo!

Mollie and Morgan with a neck twist! Mollie may be slightly over-rotated but judges don’t deduct because of excess cuteness! Russian judge doesn’t understand excess cuteness. Puts in challenge.

Gracie and Morgan counter dancing. Counter dancing is a new category. This is a promenade step. Gracie will get a deduction for having a foot on the window edge. Morgan looks suspiciously like she will move into butt smelling (another competition) at any moment!

No cat competition is complete without a sleeping category! Although not facing the same direction, judges award a 10 for complete relaxation (and recommend checking to see if they are dead!).

Hazel and Morgan spread out across the porch loveseat in an Olympic attempt at relaxation. Russian judge cheers on!

Cheers to everyone from the Olympic cat village!

51 thoughts on “Sassy cats — Going for the gold

  1. I wish you’d captured a photo of them in action with their competitive mousing! 🙂 Your photos do prove, however, that they’re not just beautiful, but also very talented.


  2. Kate, this is indeed was a Purfect 10 post! I so much enjoyed it. It had all the elements without the fear of see someone “crash and burn.” Loved it. Thank you,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Morgan looks so much like my gray in her younger form. My Emma Peel is elderly and sickly, quite feeble. We don’t expect her to last more than a couple more days. She is curled up in my lap and purrs when awake. Otherwise she just sleeps. She’s been a very, very good companion for 20 years. Cats give us so much comfort and love and make our lives ever so rich . . . buy I know you knew that already, Kate!

    Liked by 2 people

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