Random 5 for May 10 – Pterodactyls, Cabela’s, landscapes, tanner, road trips


These are gigantic poops!

Pterodactyl sighting – I know they are thought to be prehistoric and no longer living. There is a band of them surviving locally. I haven’t seen them but I have seen their poop around my pond. What other bird would drop such large muffins on my stones?


What can I say? I’m a softy! This thing gets used a lot. It’s labeled so it doesn’t get thrown out.

Cowabunga! – I needed hip boots for cleaning the pond so we took a trip to Cabela’s. It’s a store that specializes in hunting, fishing and camping gear. The one closest to us is huge. Since I can’t kill anything (including spiders and bees – I have a re-homing kit in my cabinet) I was overwhelmed by the things they carry. There were enough guns and ammunition to stock the Sixth Fleet. I never saw so many fishing poles. They have a bunch of stuffed critters (so sad) but they also had a huge aquarium with live fish. And restaurants. My head was spinning from the sheer size of the place. I think people come in an RV and stay for a couple of days. Ironically they didn’t have hip boots in my size.

Cruising – I took a walk in my neighborhood. I saw what people had done to their yards as a part of spring cleanup. There were the usual square forsythia (argh!) and flowering shrubs pruned so hard that the flower buds were gone. I saw dead trees still standing and beautiful trees had been chopped down. A license should be required to prune. Most people don’t know how to make it look natural.

Stripes! – I took the plunge and put on crop pants this past week. That’s when I see how lily-white I am. Time to lather on that orange stripe-y tanner!

Yawn – The beloved husband had to be at the airport for an early flight so I drove. It was 5 a.m. It’s been a long time since I was on the road at 5 a.m. When I worked in training a long time ago, I would travel to field locations which would require early starts. I definitely don’t miss those days at all. There was only one car on the road. Unfortunately it was almost attached to my bumper all the way to the airport. The worst part was that Starbucks wasn’t open yet.

Mollie is on the header enjoying an open window on a wonderful spring day.

So how was your week?

46 thoughts on “Random 5 for May 10 – Pterodactyls, Cabela’s, landscapes, tanner, road trips

  1. Pingback: Friday Five 051515 | Invisible Shadow

  2. I love that header pix. Mollie posed purrfectly.
    They are building a Cabela’s not far from here. There’s on on the other side of town, but guess they are trying to capture those headed to the shore and realize they forgot the fishing poles ( and are too chic to use the ones from Walmart). There’s a Bass Pro store about 20 min from here – I like their waterfalls and streams, but the stuffed animals give me the creeps. (and that section where kids can aim little laser rifles at them and practice shooting. Much too close to video games and right there by real guns. Any worry the kids will think the real guns work like those little rifles and no one really gets hurt? Skills transfer so they say, but kids/adults always know what’s play and what isn’t, right. OK off the soap box)
    Yes, traveling instructors for proper pruning needed!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are such a softie! I LOVE your bee relocating kit! I am also suspicious of Pterodactyls, but if you don’t actually see any to confirm your suspicion, be on the lookout for very large pelicans or sea gulls! You do have a mess! I love your random fives. 🙂


  4. Wow the birds must be huge over your way. Although I have these tiny swallows that are making a frightful mess on my deck. I place bits of old carpet down in designated areas that does the trick. My husband carries out the creatures that creep under the door here. I am and will always be a shaking mess when I meet something with eight legs and enough venom to send me to the next world. happy week ahead Kate.


    • My brother is convinced they are mourning doves. They are definitely some poopers. I have a bird bath separate from the pond and sometimes I clean that out several times a day because it’s so disgusting. I have other birds that want to go in. What’s with it with birds? There are tons of more appropriate places to poop. We don’t have venomous things in our area unless you are allergic. I wouldn’t be a fan of anything that can kill me but I will do bees and wasps. I can be effective without getting stung.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I have decided that I am the exact color of a vanilla yogurt a/k/a hideous. As for Cabella’s …. I was there once and when I saw a family taking photos with the stuffed wildlife I knew I couldn’t go back. Wear your hip boots like the boss you are!


    • Vanilla yogurt! Another good description (and perhaps more pleasant than old chalk). Cabella’s…what can I say. I was probably at the same one you were. It’s not my thing either especially since they don’t carry stuff I want. Maybe if I was a camper. Neat toys for campers. I don’t like dead stuffed animals. They do have a huge clothing section but everything seems to have their name on it. I ended up buying my boots on Amazon.

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  6. Lots of interesting info here. Is Cabela’s like Bass Pro Shop/Outdoor World? I agree about pruning. When we have the arborists here, hubby supervises them continually so there aren’t any horrible missteps.


  7. I learn the bestest things in comments… Jergens glow. I spent the week flat on my back on the couch because my blankety-blank back went out. But I am UP today, now if the sun would just shine. You would love our yard… all plants and bushes wild and crazy with just a bit of a trim.


    • That’s funny — the weekend before my back went out too. I was scrubbing litter boxes and doing heavy yardwork. Much better now. Moved some mulch yesterday but my back got tired so I stopped. I rarely trim. Only when the bush gets really wonky. The key is to plant appropriate height stuff and you don’t have to trim much. Hope this week is good for you. We are in the 80s and it’s getting humid.


  8. I love walking in my neighborhood this time of year. We all seem to have flowering trees – cherry blossoms, crab apple, flowering plum and pears – so it’s a colorful scene around these parts. I like a more organic look (vs those square shrubs), too, in my backyard. Your bee relocation kit is the best! Hope you find those hip boots! Mollie looks quite content. 🙂


  9. I don’t like Cabela’s at all. Creepy. And like you, when I went to one they didn’t have what I was looking for.

    I’ve never seen a square forsythia. I must live among wild people because the ones around here are all huge and untamed.


    • I love huge and untamed! They are beautiful when left natural. It’s like the weeping trees they prune into mushroom heads. Bleah! As for Cabela’s, I bought my waders there many years ago but they are a man’s size and big. Hip boots come in men’s sizes too. I guess manufacturer’s don’t think women need that stuff. When I read reviews there are as many people who use those items for ponds and other things as for fishing.


  10. A Happy Mothers Day Kate. I hope Big Bird hasn’t took flight? I’m glad you can’t kill bees, besides we need them, But I hate all things spiders. I commission you to get involved in the arachnid wars. As for those pruners, someone should repossess their shears. And don’t be worried about being so pale Kate, given this recent winter, you’ll be in good company. Starbucks… not open! That needs to be corrected, post haste. :O)


  11. Wow! That bird must have a stomach bug. 🙂
    You should try Jergens Glow on your legs, Kate. It’s a moisturizing lotion with a tanning element. The best of all, it doesn’t have that horrid scent


  12. I would have lost my license this week. The gentlemen that keep the shrubs tame had let them creep up to block sprinklers. they were so hollow that I should have just trimmed them back to the ground and have them start over. The half way trim I chose has left me with a row of sticks and twigs. Still a deterrent for anyone looking to climb in a window 🙂


  13. The large poop probably comes from the Pterodactyl Humongus (Morning Dove). They spent the winter under my patio roof and made a mess of everything. I was tempted to relocate them with a shotgun. Fortunately, they are behaving themselves this Spring. I think they all went to your house.


  14. Mollie is adorable.

    What on earth is square forsythia? I have never heard of this. Is it pruned into a square shape like a topiary or something?

    If a bee lands on me, I wait for it to leave. Meanwhile, everyone around me freaks out and screams. I do not understand this. The bee does not, in fact, want to sting anyone!

    We relocate spiders all the time. Even the black and brown widows. If you don’t bug them, they will eat mosquitos for you.


    • Square forsythia is when they prune it into a cube so it looks like a yellow cube in the spring instead of a shrub with arching branches (the way it likes to grow). Mollie is a gorgeous cat and sweet too. I have the same bee policy. All that waving around people do just agitates the bee.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I so love the new picture of Molly. Noticed it right away. She’s still a looker that Moll.
    Your pond always intrigues me. How happy those creatures must be who discover it like a surprise oasis.
    Hip boots…OOH…so Teddy Roosevelt, and that store…Cabalas, sounds amazing. I’ll bet you look hot in rubber up to your thigh, and if you’re lily white? Then I’m the color of fresh chalk.
    Have a lovely day.


  16. I’m thinking maybe your pterodactyl’s come to visit at my house, too. No fish pond here, so they use the the wooden ramp to my storage shed as their landing zone. For a minute there, I thought someone threw white paint on ramp, but then I realized, uhm … no.

    How funny (?) that Cabela’s has everything under the sun, in every color and size, except, of course, the one thing you were looking for … go figure. I’ve never been to one, but from your description, I’m surprised they don’t charge admission just to walk in the door.

    Despite the early morning traffic jam (hah!), hope you have a good Sunday. 🙂


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