Random five for July 27

frog on back-edI just love summer – not matter how hot or humid — for me it’s so much better than getting cabin fever in January.

Water, water everywhere — I watched an instructional video this week. It was 90 minutes long. (Yes, I know even I can’t believe I watched the whole thing.) I learned a lot but the speaker had a bottle of water. She would unscrew the top and drink from it about every two minutes. Occasionally she dropped the lid and would bend over to pick it up. It was incredibly distracting. I was a Toastmaster for many years and can’t remember anyone needing water to speak. The distraction made my mind wander. Did she have a health issue? What kind would it be? What will happen when the water is gone. This is not what you want your audience to do!

Bottled water is the new pacifier. I don’t share this new passion for having water on you all the time. I drink when I’m thirsty but unless I plan on crossing the Sahara Desert, I don’t strap it to my hip.

The sounds of summer – This past week the locusts have returned. There is no sound that makes me feel peaceful like the whirring of the locusts. It reminds me of my childhood summers – warm and carefree. Biking and ice cream trucks and reading books! Yay!

Funny face – With all the pond changes going on, I check on my frogs often to make sure they are happy. I want to be sure they don’t leave! The good news is that they are still here. The bad news is that I can identify them by their faces. They are like any other creature and each one looks different. I am a nanosecond from naming them and putting them in my will. The beloved husband thinks I need therapy.

Take me out to the ball game – I am not a baseball fan but I will go to see our local minor league team once every few years. The stadium is new and they do a lot of fun stuff. This week was my big chance. We had really great seats under an overhang. That was the night we had thunderstorms. There was a rain delay right at the start and the weather was predicted to be chancy all evening so we opted not to go. That was my big sports outing for the summer! I missed the hot dogs and beer.

Total knee replacement – I spent time with my amazing friend who had her knee replaced two weeks ago. She is walking and driving. She will be back at work tomorrow. She has become a missionary for the procedure after she suffered with a lot of pain and limited activities for years. I do not know anyone who rebounded from this surgery like she did.

And how was your week?

31 thoughts on “Random five for July 27

  1. The cicadas start up around 4:00 PM in the afternoon out here and then I know the day is already winding down towards dinner. My dear husband and I continue to hope that T-Bob’s howling at night has truly ceased. It’s like the move was bigger than him…is he in awe? shy? intimidated? I don’t think so…passed out on the ottoman, stretched out on the rug on the floor, or the cool kitchen floor he looks quite content…kind of like your frog up there but with his eyes closed.


  2. I love that you’re thinking of naming your frogs. Delightful, Kate. About the water intake. I was told that the headaches I was having when I was in school were the result of being dehydrated. I’d like to drink more, but with only 4 minutes (it used to be only 3) between classes, there’s not a lot time to take a pause for the cause.

    We just got back from a week’s vacation in Central New York and had a wonderful time visiting with old friends. Glad to see that you’re loving the heat – humidity and all. 😉


  3. I love the cicadas. We have just begun to hear them in the last couple of days. I always enjoy summer so much more after the 4th is over. It is cool here in Missouri, feels a bit like Fall. I will take it! I am one of those people that has a bottle of water with me at all times and I drink it! I go through about 8 to 10 16oz bottles of water a day!


  4. –> Water gives me heartburn,.
    –> No locusts where I live but we have some mighty fine mosquitoes.
    –>Frogs are fickle. Don’t get attached. (This warning could possibly be a little late for you.)
    –>I’ve lived in Washington my entire (long) life and have yet to go to a Mariners game. Perhaps the hot dogs and beer could convince me to go.
    –> Congrats to your friend and her rebounding knees!
    –> My week? Crazy Fun!


    • Mosquitoes? OMG! We have had tons this year and my frogs are eating them as fast as they can. All my previous frogs left me so I’m not holding out much hope. I had 7 in the spring. Now I can only see 4 and a tadpole. The could be there because there’s a lot of vegetation but I have no idea where they go. It’s not like there are a lot of ponds around her.


  5. I think we don’t have locusts or cicadas in Washington State, but I know what you mean about the sound making you feel peaceful. We had cicadas in the Philippines and in Vanuatu, and I loved the sound. To me it was not only peaceful but also a romantic, tropical sound.


  6. When did it start that everyone has to have liquids with them at all times? It is kinda weird. Glad your frogs are staying home. They must like it at your pond. I am not a fan of locusts. They fly around my balcony and buzz on the screen. And I am afraid Teddy will try to chase one and fall nine floors. Glad your friend is doing so well. I think attitude has a lot to do with our recoveries.


  7. She’s driving? God bless her.

    I love that frog. He always makes me want to lay on a chaise and sunbathe. Please name your pond guys, and then tell us what they are. Now that will be a funny post. Love the random 5.


  8. I’ve been hearing the locusts as well, Kate. It does bring back childhood memories. I’ve also been enjoying the sounds of the frogs, so I loved your photo!
    Have a great upcoming week and I’ll look forward to your visit on Friday.


  9. I’ve seen several comedians who have water on stage ~ or even something stronger. Robin Williams went through several bottles in a single performance. But he’s manic. And sweaty.

    I can’t wait to hear the christening names for your frogs. You do plan to baptize them, don’t you?


  10. I know you’re close to naming the frogs but I’ve given our chipmunk a name – Alvin, of course. He has a home under the hosta bushes and this morning there were a smattering of shelled acorns out front – like he’d had a party and been too pooped to clean up! Hubbs thinks I’ve finally cracked and he’s probably right 🙂

    Muggy and overcast today … rain is coming and the birds are chirping – love it!



    • My friend has bounced back fast even according to her nurses. However, she was given exercises to do before the surgery and she followed instructions on exercises afterward and she attributes it to that. I attribute to skilled doctors. They have better techniques than they used to.

      One of her friends was told the recovery would be 3 to 6 months but she has other health issues and has a lot of weight on her. I hope your person is as lucky as my friend.


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